An Introduction

My name is Grant Henninger, I’m an urban planner specializing in affordable housing and a planning commissioner for the City of Anaheim. This blog is intended to serve two purposes: first, to share my thoughts and considerations for items that come before the planning commission; and second, to help me explore how cities work, and how we can make them work better. 
In recent years, Anaheim has been rocked by scandal and the decision making process has been incredibly closed off from public view. This is my effort to change that, in my small part. Prior to each planning commission meeting, I intend to post a brief summary of the items on the commission agenda, along with what I’m going to be considering when making my decision on how to vote on each item. 

However, I don’t want to only focus on the specific development requests that come before the city, but to also look at Anaheim as it is and how it might better service its residents. I’m a big believer that our built environment is a big determinant of our quality of life. Our transportation network and our land uses impact our health, our happiness, and our prosperity.

I’m sure this effort will evolve and change, or maybe completely wither away with time, but I hope it’s useful for both me and the rest of Anaheim.

Grant Henninger