Kellogg Interchange


This photo is part of a series of long-exposure photos of freeway interchanges. The goal of this series is to show the beauty of the engineering marvel that is the Interstate Highway System, while also making apparent the scars created on our landscape in service of our car culture.

Pictured is the Kellogg Interchange in Pomona, CA. The Kellogg Interchange is the interchange between I-10, SR-57, and SR-71. This long-exposure photograph is a panorama comprised of three shots taken with a 17mm tilt-shift lens.


  • Image Dimensions: 9549 x 3183

  • Exposure: 20.0 sec, f/16, ISO 100

  • Focal Length: 17mm

  • Camera: Canon 5D mk iii

  • Lens: Canon TS-E 17mm f/4L

About the Photographer

Grant Henninger is a landscape photographer based in Orange County, CA. As of 2021, he is working on two on-going projects, one capturing freeway interchanges and the scars they leave on our landscape, and the second capturing images of the wildland urban interface in high fire hazard areas. In addition to photography, Grant is an urban planner, which is what drives his interest in photographing landscapes related to land use issues.